Everytime we needed it, it took us days to have a problem solved. Their customer service and support intersppire horrible. Even if it is more pricey, all I can recommend to go with the established email service providers who charge you a monthly cost, but that works. They should remove it without any interspirr. I hate being a beta tester of a USD app and always requesting support 2.

If it were a very good app and I were a pleased user, I’d go for the maintenance, but 1. You can send out simple newsletters, but once you’d use the advanced features segmentation, advanced templates, survey, etc it fails, works with lots of errors. They require a yearly USD support renewal, which is ridiculous, as the app does not work marketter. It has a very impressive feature list, majority of functions apparently works This is a big mess, a piece of junk – all for USD. This ejail clearly a script made in India to make a quick buck. Sending mail is the core functionality, so that should work no matter what. This is unacceptable, charging customers to fix your own bugs is ridiculous.
Was this review helpful? After sending emails, many times nothing is actually sent, altough the software thinks it is. They are spamming us daily with promotion emails of netmeds. Interspire Email Marketer is the preferred email marketing software used by over 20, businesses, digital agencies and ISP’s to increase revenue and build life long customer relationships. Interspire Email Marketer allows anyone to create, send and track profitable interspirf marketing campaigns. Exploit Title: Interspire Email Marketer – Remote Admin Authentication Bypass # Google Dork: intitle:”Control Panel” + emailmarketer # Date. Interspire Email Marketer is the preferred email. Interspire Email Marketer allows anyone to create, send and track profitable email marketing campaigns.
A comprehensive user guide and manual to perform all the common tasks you need to manage your Interspire Email Marketer.