The kill transforms into an exchange to perpetuate life, in which gods and Lords of animals grant the hunter the solicited new game if he has completed his ritual duties and has not broken the prescribed hunting rules. Conclusionsīy performing the Loojil Ts’oon, the act of killing an animal is legitimized.

and peccaries: Tayassuidae) and their return to the Lords of Animals in the hills so that they may give these animals new life. On the other hand, the cleansing of the jaws (of deer: Odocoileus virginianus, Mazama spp. On one hand, we describe the preparation and cleansing of the “ Sip soup”, as well as its parading and distribution –delivery to the spirit/evil-wind Sip– on the streets of the community (highlingting the role of the rooster as a counter-gift). Semi-structured interviews were carried out to obtain complementary information. Qualitative information was obtained through the ethnographic method using techniques such as participant observation and guided tours. This delivery produced confidence among participants to talk more openly and in-depth about the Loojil Ts’oon, revealing symbolic, psychological, and material details previously unknown to outsiders.

Afterwards, we delivered digital videodisks (DVD) to hunters and their families and to the j-men (the magic-medic-ritual specialist) who participated in these ceremonies. The Loojil Ts’oon hunting ritual was observed and registered in audiovisual format in two different occasions in X-Pichil (Friday and Friday ). This paper focuses on the acts within the Loojil Ts’oon –which is performed in the X-Pichil community and surrounding area– that make it unique among the hunting rituals performed in other parts of the Peninsula. Thus they are granted access to game by the gods and the Lords of the Animals, particularly the spirit/evil-wind call. Each piece of gear includes a link to a review if applicable, the name of who it’s been recommended by, and links to where it can be purchased.Some Mayan peasant-hunters across the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico still carry out a hunting ritual – Loojil Ts’oon, Loj Ts’oon or Carbine Ceremony– in which they renew the divine permission for hunting in order to continue deserving the gift of prey after a period of hunt. It’s organized by price, from least expensive to most costly. This list was originally compiled by editors Logan Watts, Cass Gilbert, and Lucas Winzenburg back in 2017 and was updated in November, 2021. And it’s all gear that’s so well designed, it still gives us a small amount of joy each and every time we use it… just as we hope it will to your lucky someone. It’s all survived the wrath of the elements. Indeed, everything featured in this gift guide has already stood the test of time. Most importantly, all of the gear included has exceeded our expectations in the realm of durability, perhaps one of the most important factors in choosing bikepacking gear. So, as the year draws to a close, allow us to offer a gift guide in the form of a curated collection of some of our most cherished bikepacking gear, much of which has already given us several years of service. For our ongoing gift guide, we’ve decided to take a step back, comb through our assorted belongings, and separate the gear we’ve really put through the grinder - and never leave home without.