Eragon firstly printed in Indonesia in 2004.
Ebook novel terjemahan eragon series#
This novel is the first series of Inheritance trilogy, besides Eldest and Brisingr. This is the first novel written by Christopher Paolini and published in 2002. Idiomatic expressions that can be found in this novel. Choosing this book as the source of data is because there are many The English version has been published by Random House Inc in New York and the Indonesian version has been published by PT Gramedia in Jakarta. Idioms as sayings are statements which are well-known as wise words.ġ.5 Method of the Study 1.5.1 Collecting Data Source of Data The data are taken from an American novel entitled Eragon which is written by Christopher Paolini and its translation in Indonesian by Sendra B. Idioms that symbolize situation, action or event usually followed or begun with verb or linking verb and combined with noun phrase, adjective phrase or adverbial phrase. This research limits the study only in idioms as situation, action and event and sayings. There are many types of idioms, like idioms in forms of pairs of words colour parts of body animals collocations verb phrases situation, action and event sayings and many others. Besides finding the techniques used by the translator to translate English idioms, this research will also try to find the most dominant technique in translating English idioms into Indonesian.ġ.4 Scope of the Study The analysis is focused on the techniques in translating the idioms. The first one is to identify the techniques in translating English idioms into Indonesian.

There are two aims that are expected to be achieved in doing this research. What is the dominant technique used by the translator of Eragon novel byĬhristopher Paolini? 1.3 Objective of the Study What are the techniques used by the translator in translating English idioms into Indonesian? 2. This research attempts to answer the following problems. People should know the best way to translate the idiom.

Identification of Problem Translating an idiom is not as easy as translating a literal expression. Looking at the techniques in translating English idioms as found in a novel will be useful research because it will help people to apply the techniques when they find some idioms, so that the real meaning can be achieved. The idiom can be found not only in spoken conversation, but also in written text, just like short stories, novels, letters, scripts of plays, and many others. Translating English idioms into Indonesian is an interesting topic to be discussed because idiom is commonly used in daily conversation. This research is an attempt to find the techniques that used by translator of Eragon novel to translate the idioms. Saying an idiomatic expression can be more interesting or even funnier than the literal one. Sometimes it makes the hearer feel the context in his or her heart. Sometimes implied expression can beautify a text. In literary works, the writers usually use idiom in order to have precious works. Such as to hold one’s tongue, to kick the bucket, to eat one’s word, and many others. There are some examples of English idioms, The importance of discussing idiom is because it is usually spoken or written in everyday language. It is an implied expression in describing something. Idiom is an expression which cannot be interpreted literally.

The difficulties in translations occur because of different grammatical rule, vocabulary, culture and idioms. A good translator has to make good grammatical, lexical and cultural adjustments. Besides that, cultural background has to be noticed in translation in order to avoid the mismatching of meaning. It is not that easy to find the closest meaning in target language that can represent the intention of source language. Those problems have challenged translators in translating English into Indonesian. In non-formal expressions, some English words may be out of the lexical meaning. The arrangement of making an English sentence is different from making sentence in Indonesian. In addition, some English expressions may have different interpretation in Indonesian. In one situation, not all of the meaning of English words has similar concept in Indonesian. The problem is that, it is not enough to understand the meaning word by word. If people can understand English, the content of English books will be comprehended. With that reason, it is necessary to understand English.

Many books from United Kingdom, United States of America, or other countries that use English as their language are also distributed in our country. 1.1 Background of the Study English has power in many aspects of life.