Man of steel quotes
Man of steel quotes

Whoever that man is, good character or bad, it's going to change the world. You have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. One day, you're going to have to make a choice. What do you think? How about Super Whoever that man is, he's going to change the world. Where do I come from? He was convinced that the world wasn't ready. IN time, you will help them accomplish wonders. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall.

man of steel quotes

What is a child aspired to something greater? One notable appearance occurred during Zero Hourwhen time itself was being unraveled due to the machinations of Extant and Parallax.Man of Steel Wiki Guide. While Jor-El was never resurrected, he made a number of appearances in the form of flashbacks, recordings, alternate time lines, etc.


In addition to "downloading" the message of his origins, it also gave him knowledge of how to speak his native tongue. This message was relayed via a holographic version of Jor-El that appeared to Kal-El after he had already grown up as Clark Kent and assumed the identity of Superman.Ĭlark was wary of the strange image at first, not understanding the Kryptonese until the hologram made actual contact with him. Inside the rocket ship which brought Kal-El to Earth, Jor-El left a message for his son explaining his origins. Kal-El was saved, and Jor-El and Lara spent their last moments together before the planet exploded.

man of steel quotes

Jor-El insisted that it would be an ideal environment for their son, and pointed out that under Earth's yellow sun, he would be virtually a god among men. Lara was appalled when she first learned that Jor-El intended to send their child to Earth, as she felt it was a savage, backward planet. He managed to develop a serum that would allow his still unborn son to leave the planet, and treated Kal-El before placing the matrix chamber in a rocket ship. Soon thereafter, Jor-El realized that his prediction about the planet exploding were off-he only had days at most, not months. They rebuked the thought that a new element could have occurred without their knowledge, as "not a cloud traversed the sky that they did not control. Jor-El attempted to warn the Kryptonian Council, but they refused to listen to him. This fusing had occurred due to intense pressure building up in the planet's core-the deadly result of a doomsday weapon initiated centuries ago by Black Zero. It was not a plague at all, but instead a deadly form of radiation caused by the fusing of native elements into a deadly new crystalline substance. Jor-El worked hard nearly non-stop and finally discovered the cause. People were dying by the millions and the cause could not be found. About that time, Krypton was being ravaged by an apparent Plague known as the Green Death.

man of steel quotes

They lived together, and a son was conceived from their sex cells and implanted in an artificial womb, known as a Matrix Chamber. Jor-El fell in love with her, and she eventually came to love him as well. When it was arranged for Jor-El to be bonded with Lara the reason being they were the most genetically compatibleJor-El broke with tradition and asked if he could see the woman with whom he would have a child. He had a deep love and respect for Krypton's ancient past, which contrasted sharply with the cold, sterile world the planet had become. Jor-El was a scientist who lived during the last days of Krypton.

Man of steel quotes